You may pass a person everyday for 3 years and never anything but the occasional head nod or a "hello". You don't realize that the person sitting behind you without anything but occasional simple conversation could make you so happy. But you'll never know until you try and reach out. get out of that perfect world we all see and do something different...Where am I pulling this from? Look at yourself for one second and you push to be different? at least 90% of you said no. Now why is that? Because nobody want's to be the outcast or looked down on for being different. No where does this person I talked about 5 sentances up come in? Wait a min. Somebody I talked to today called me strange and i needed to tone down the attitude and actions to become my head I responed with FUCK YOU. All my life I've pushed and fought for what I believe and want/wanted..why? Because I'm tired of sterotyping, labeling and rumors. Somebody a month or 2 ago tried to put a tag on me...what did they come up with? Nothing. They had no real response to when I asked "What would you label me?" Right then and there I knew what I have been trying to do for ever has worked. Now back to the person calling me weird...this is a question asked all the time but really...WHAT IS NORMAL? My conclusion? NO SUCH THING. Looking at the media, professional physicans and such everything is AVERAGE. Come on..average? What's that? Nobody is average, normal and in no way are people the same. Which is my point. Now looking back to the beginning. I passed one person for years in the hall almost everyday, this person sat behind me on some of these days with nothing more then a hi or hello between us. Well on a random ass day I decided to talk to this person and she happened to be a very cool person and happens to make me happier than anyone has in a LONG time. My real purpose of the post is to give you this advice. Dont be afraid to step out of that world you live in and be different.
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