Just to let you guys know, once again someone has been stealing my photos from facebook/twitter/myspace and have made a myspace and are pretending to be me. The account has been removed by myspace but I assume sooner or later this will happen again. if the person who did this is reading this. Message me on one of the social networks and ill tell you what I really think of you. GET A DAMN LIFE. Also brings me to my next topic.
People have been talking a lot about MY personal relationships lately. Yes I am fresh out of a 2 year relationship and yes there is a new side of me out that no one has ever really seen. But keep your comments to yourself to to me. I don't need more rumors out then there already are. I am DATING NO ONE at the time despite what you may have heard. Yes there are people that I hangout with more than others but its none of anyones business.
LAST BUT NOT LEAST. There are many people in this world who get pissed when they're judged by somebody they dont know..but they turn around and judge somebody they dont know. SERIOUSLY?? You know who you are as well so I have no reason to start throwing names out the door. FUCK YOU and keep your damn mouth shut. Other wise people are going to start doing something about it.
My shout outs today are Alex and his mother. Annie, Katelynn, Jesse, and Megan. You guys have kept me alive the last 2 days and I thank you.
And with that said I'm out....I hope everyone is doing well.
Jordan H.
People have been talking a lot about MY personal relationships lately. Yes I am fresh out of a 2 year relationship and yes there is a new side of me out that no one has ever really seen. But keep your comments to yourself to to me. I don't need more rumors out then there already are. I am DATING NO ONE at the time despite what you may have heard. Yes there are people that I hangout with more than others but its none of anyones business.
LAST BUT NOT LEAST. There are many people in this world who get pissed when they're judged by somebody they dont know..but they turn around and judge somebody they dont know. SERIOUSLY?? You know who you are as well so I have no reason to start throwing names out the door. FUCK YOU and keep your damn mouth shut. Other wise people are going to start doing something about it.
My shout outs today are Alex and his mother. Annie, Katelynn, Jesse, and Megan. You guys have kept me alive the last 2 days and I thank you.
And with that said I'm out....I hope everyone is doing well.
Jordan H.
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