well this post is a rant mostly but important. I started writing for the new Antix material in April but I have had a really hard time writing because I haven't been ready to open the book to what I've been through the last couple months. I really wanted to keep to myself all the shit going on inside my head. well it just happened to be I started writing and let all that stuff out in about 8 sets of lyrics. I'm still wary about using them and not sure if will. but it just got all that anger and frustrations out of my head.
I'd like to thank Morgan, Lj, John, Uncle Vinny, Clint, Creighton, Rick and everyone else for the best night I've had in 5 years. All of the bands last night played epicly. The fun before and after the show reminded me of who my real friends are and how much I miss them all the time. Enjoy the photos.
Creighton and I post show
Hanging with Morgan. Love you brother
Lj, miss you already man!
Clint, we shall ride again soon!
Subject is one of the most understandable lyrics I've ever written. it describes my life right now in more ways than ever.
I've always believed that everything that happens to us, or anything we do whether it be wrong or right it happened to form a purpose or fix a situation in the long run. Well now is where I'm hoping that its not just jaw-boning. Recently I've made some crazy choices, had some stupid ass ideas and also had very weird things happen. There were a few things that happened recently that opened my eyes to my life more then ever. I've always looked to helping others and haven't always been able to. But when I wasn't able to I blamed myself and tried until I made something good happen. Well what I failed to realize that over the last 5 years is that I've always pushed my issues away. Well i recently made some bad choices, not exactly mistakes but not wise decisions. When I looked for something to mask them in another thought, I turned around to find there wasn't anything I could do but face them. It not only made me face them, it opened the door to all of the issues that have been building up over the last few months. I know the odds of her reading this are none but I'd like to appologize to Darian. I know nothing will ever change anything but I needed to let it out. I am sorry for wasting the last 2years of her life. Despite what the rest of my readers believe, she deserves the apology that I've typed out over and over again but deleted before sending. maybe its good i didnt..I'll never know but I know I'll never type it out again. Also I apologize to Jesse. He was always there no matter what and I pushed him away to help somebody else. Its my fault and I am sorry. Well here is the truth, everything I've done is my doing, my fault and there is nothing I can change. Alex and Morgan, my running mates. I love them unconditionally and without them I'd prolly be facedown in my pillow without a clue what to do next. Megan. Just thrown into mylife and i was very skeptical about working with you and even being friends. You proved to be somebody i could count on. Katelynn. I'm still trying to figure you out and get to know you better then I do and hopefully I get the chance to as soon as I get my own shit figured out. Now as for whats next? I'm REALLY going to take all this shit out on the ones who deserve what they have coming and start new. Just remember I love all my friends and Family and miss talking to all of you.
Email me and we'll catch up.
whether most of you believe this or not I'm having problems writing for the next record. in the past all of my lyrics have been about my issues. but this time of really like to keep to myself about everything on my mind this time around. life was somewhat perfect for a short time but recently just kinda went to shit again. but like I said, this time around its really staying personal.
on a footnote. this Wednesday come hangout at the ramkota exhibit hall in Sioux falls with my good friends sevendust and adelitas way. ill be there hangout out and doing thing as usual. well more soon in a bigger better update.
Well its true, each day is a new confession for me and each horror let out of my head is making it better. I've taken some time off of writing new music and just been doing other things. I've decided to use more photos in my blogs, i know that was a random moment to think of that. I've met some wonderful people over the last few days and been reunited with those I prevously pushed out. My advice..to anyone who ever tried to hurt you, say goodbye it was nice to know you. And its true. I myself have surrounded myself with the wrong people and it makes life miserable. Well thats it for now!
That's Katelynn and Myself enjoying a day in the sun
Warning: Morgan is the king of Chicago
My reading for the month: Zach, you the man!
These are my kinda people
What Can I say? The ladies love me
Thats right! Next Wednesday May 26th at the Ramkota Exhibit Hall in Sioux Falls, SD
I can say that my life is about 80% away from being perfect right now. The friends I have in my life are making it better everyday. There are some major changes along this road to rack up that 20% but it will be worth all of it. kicking the ones who pulled me down has really helped and I can't be more excited for this summer. I can't really say I'm doing a whole lot but just the things I am going to do will be a blast. I'm still picking up the pieces from the last 2 months of disaster. There are few who will be greatly missed but its for the best. Also if anyone gets a chance please send a prayer to my man Morgan. He goes to court again Thursday to fight for custody of his kids. Posted below are pics from KRROfest this last weekend
Jordan "King of Sioux Falls" Hewlett - Double Fisting it at B-Dubs
YeA Son!
Say Hello to Lacuna Coil!
I'm loving the hat! (Cristina from Lacuna Coil)
Well my life is going in a positive direction more and more each day. I have a few new people in my life who are making it better and I also have the same great friends backing me up each day. I met a group of wonderful people in Sioux Falls at KRROFEST and can't wait to go back! I'd like to thank KRRO radio and husets speedway for putting on KRROfest this year. Well more in-depth blog later.
I'm jumping with excitement to tell everyone this news discussed at tonights meeting. We're planning on having a ton of demos done by aug to being recording in december, we are planning tour dates for Aug with Julien-k, including a stop in Knoxville, TN at Blue cats! yes blue cats will be finished remodeling then and we will play the grand opening. I have a new girlfriend in my life who is a huge support to me. Not my music, me for me. As this summer starts its engines we're getting ready to pop into 1st gear. Megan Bricks is back and has more attitude and energy for this next record than I've been blessed to work with for a long time. We plan to BLOW YOUR FUCKING MIND this summer as we launch new stuff and start getting ready for touring. Stay tuned for details as we get them to you. Thanks to everyone for the love and support!
Today I shall inform you of some changes being made to me, myself and mostly my social networks. My blog, facebook, myspace, and twitter is all Personal stuff. I haven't run it all under "friends only" conditions before because I want the people who listen to my music to get a chance to see what kind of person I really am. But now I have formatted everything to the "friends only" mode because of these reasons: My photos, videos and posted items have been either stolen or put into discussion by those who need to know nothing about it. I have only deleted a small handful of friends, followers and such from these places. As for the blog? I will still post them on a regular basis because I know there is a handful of you who really do care. As for fan/friend questions? You can still send me messages and such and I will answer them. This doesn't mean of you try to add/follow me I won't accept you. It just give those I don't approve of a chance to stop stealing my stuff. Also I'm still getting messages from people saying they've tried calling me and it was busy... Its called I've posted everywhere about a new number 7 or 8 times! This is the last offer I'm giving you ask for the number. KRROFEST this friday which features Alex and I from Antix, Three Days Grace, Lacuna Coil, Seether, Five Finger Death Punch, Drowning Pool, Janus, Seasons After and more. Official after party in Sioux Falls, SD with The Veer Union. Thursday night is Smile Empty Soul but we will not be attending the event! You can see our updates by following, Alex, Myself and Antix on Twitter starting tomorrow we will start posting updates for the event. Hoping to see a lot of familar faces in Sioux Falls/Brandon, SD.
ok guys, short and simple post. my blog posts are personal enough I think. but yet I'm still getting questions. I do refuse to answer any questions that I feel have broken the boundry of personal and ripping my life.open.
Hey guys, my band Antix and I need your support! Head over to
Click here and check out the new website design. Its the final update made for the year and includes a free download for the re-release of "Bitch is Gone" and we've done so in an EP that includes 2 new tracks never before heard. There are new photos, wallpapers, and all kinds of stuff. So Please go check it out!
++++++++PART 2++++++++++
KRROFEST is this friday and I know there are a lot of you who wont get to go. So follow me on
twitter and I'll update you every chance I get! Now back to the personal purpose of my blog.
I've been making quite a few changes lately and fixing some issues in my life. If you didn't get the memo i do have a new cell phone number and
contact me if you want/need it. I'll be posting a personal blog this week sometime.
there just has become a point where I don't give a Fuck.
I will be away from my blog, Twitter, I will be occasionally on facebook and a rare stop on myspace for awhile. I will let everyone know of my return when I make it. I will also not be working on any music or projects until I say i am. I happy mother's day to all the moms.
Just to let you guys know, once again someone has been stealing my photos from facebook/twitter/myspace and have made a myspace and are pretending to be me. The account has been removed by myspace but I assume sooner or later this will happen again. if the person who did this is reading this. Message me on one of the social networks and ill tell you what I really think of you. GET A DAMN LIFE. Also brings me to my next topic.
People have been talking a lot about MY personal relationships lately. Yes I am fresh out of a 2 year relationship and yes there is a new side of me out that no one has ever really seen. But keep your comments to yourself to to me. I don't need more rumors out then there already are. I am DATING NO ONE at the time despite what you may have heard. Yes there are people that I hangout with more than others but its none of anyones business.
LAST BUT NOT LEAST. There are many people in this world who get pissed when they're judged by somebody they dont know..but they turn around and judge somebody they dont know. SERIOUSLY?? You know who you are as well so I have no reason to start throwing names out the door. FUCK YOU and keep your damn mouth shut. Other wise people are going to start doing something about it.
My shout outs today are Alex and his mother. Annie, Katelynn, Jesse, and Megan. You guys have kept me alive the last 2 days and I thank you.
And with that said I'm out....I hope everyone is doing well.
Jordan H.
Ok check out
http://antixofficial.yolasite.com/studio-updates.php for all the new studio updates. They're going to be more frequent as we begin writing. Also a news story has been posted to the
Antix news page talking about the positive out come of our new album. And last but not least. For a limited time you can download the whole album free.
Here Now on with my blog post.
So...I'm only hearing awesome comments about the new album and I can't thank everyone enough. We're blessed to have the love and support that we do right out of the gate. Our single "Instinct" has been doing AWESOME on WJRR Radio and will make its debut to 94.3 THE X in Knoxville, TN and to KRRO Radio of Sioux Falls, SD very soon. No official date yet but very soon so keep listening. Now back to the personal. stuff. (Which is what the purpose of my blog is).
I'm currently in the process of moving. Haven't started physically moving yet but hopefully i can be moved before KRROFEST or the following sunday.
Speaking ok KRROFEST follow me on twitter on May 14th to see Video, Pics, and updates about the event if you're not attending. For those of you privilaged people who can call me..if you didn't get the memo I have a new cell phone number. Contact me on
Myspace if you want it.
Also I can't believe I even have to mention this again. PLEASE stop talking shit about me, my friends, and everyone. Your just wasting my time having to hear it all. It doesn't effect me in anyway other then it just pisses me off. If you have a issue..say it to me...not anyone else. Thank You.
And on a positive note...I'm finally pulling my fucked up life back together. I pulled myself out of the finacinal blackhole, I'm moving, I found a select handful of people who actually make me happy and dont have to lie to me. My shout outs today are to Ryan, Jesse, Alex, Sarah, Katelynn, and Megan...you guys rock and without you idk where I'd be right now.
So I hope everyone is having a great year so far...Its hard to believe it's may and I'm sitting here planning summer trips, tours and vacations. Stay tuned as always.
those of you lucky bastards who were blessed with my phone number before email me to obtain the new one
So here it goes...I haven't posted in a long time and you have let me know it. I feel like I've got writers block tonight. I have so many thoughts and feelings running through my mind that I have no idea where to start. First off, I know I've said it before but it seems some of you didn't get the message last time. I DONT CARE what you think, feel or act about me. But keep my friends, family and other people out of it. Enough said. I do care about people and their feelings. I care about their problems. Anything that anyone tells me stays between me and that person and I swear when people start asking me for info I draw the line. I've recently started A new life for myself and kicked a lot of people out, ay the same time I've carried a lot of people into my life that i believe will turn me around. I also will be moving with in the month. For now, staying in the Pierre Area and I will Graduate from Riggs High School in Pierre, SD. No more stanley county shit. The biggest mistake I ever made was changing schools. There are the SMALL handful of reasons it benifits but it doesnt out weigh the number of negative reasons. Hopefully during the summer of 2011 I will be moving to Sioux Falls, SD or surrounding areas. No official statements yet but thats the plan.
Relationships. People, I everyone has them, nothing special. I know A LOT of you were shocked and questioned the splitting of Darian and I. I know some of you thought she was pretty cool. a little over 2 years really tossed away and benifited 1 person I can think of. Not Darian, but she knows who she is and I hope she's reading this. If not, I guess its another person counted on my "tossed" list. That would hurt. Now everyone was confused by my week and a half long dating of Sarah. The reason for that ending so suddenly was because Sarah and I were too good of friends for a relationship to work. Rumor is on the street that Sarah used Darian to get to me....I can't say it isn't true because I really have no idea. I hope not because if so Bitch Move. Other rumors on the street have included things that I could put my life on that never ;happened. But its my word vs. theirs...and to some, (I have given them a reason) my word doesnt meanmuch. Like I've said time and time again. E-Mail me if you want the facts: chemicalchrist10@gmail.com. This is the last time darian, sarah, and those relationships will ever be publicly shared.
Mistakes. We all make them, some more severe than others but..it happens. Well actually today I made one of mine. I will not share the mistake but those involved will know what I'm talking about. It never should of happened, it was wrong of me, and I question why the other(s) went along. Unless I missed something? Confusion. I feel like I've wronged so many people lately.
THANK YOU. I can't thank Alex and his mother for everything they've done thus far. They're helping me with something I really did want to ask help with. Also thanks to Jesse, Morgan, Ryan and Sarah for being such awesome friends and always listening. Thanks to the 3 glasses of wine that helped me though this post.
I know I've been anti-drinking for the last 18 months but I will continue the counter. as long as I dont end up like before...I'll be alright. I hope everyone keeps it real. Stay tuned.