Thanks Guys!

Thursday, July 29, 2010 12:21 PM Posted by Jordan H
Well since 3 people in the last 12 hours commented to me about how worthless my blogpost was yesterday here is a real one. First off thanks guys, you all seem to care and more people have my back and give me support then I realized and it means a lot to me. The last couple of weeks have shown to give me a lot of changes, not like super changes that will effect you guys or the ones close to me but changes that I see in myself and things that I see that are helping me. Such as the stress level has dropped and fuck, I've slept more in the last few days then I have in like 3 weeks. Thats a plus. I've been running/biking a ton lately and man that helps more than anything and clears my head. As for everything else? Things are great! I have the most amazing girlfriend in world and she's a big reason for my positive attitude on life, and not only that she's also a huge inspiration, understands me more than 98% of you ever will. Then I have Morgan, he's my running mate, my brother, best friend and all around hero. Dude thanks for everything, the support you've given me over the last year is incompairable to anything else. Even thought I helped u through a lot, I can't ever repay you for the support. Now I got sarah, she's prolly the closest thing I have to a sister, she's closer to me than my own sister by a long shot. I'm sure we're truly siblings seperated at birth and nobody's told us. We're there for each other no matter what the issue. Thanks Sarah without you earlier this year i wouldn't have made it this far, When you're at collage its gonna suck! Jesse, we've grown apart over the last couple years but man you're still the man, without you life wouldnt have been this fun! I miss you everyday we don't talk and I can't wait to see you at your wedding. As for everybody else? You all are inspiring and you help me more than anybody knows. I got an email a few weeks back from a girl about my age that I knew but only had talked to maybe once. She told me that my lyrics, blog posts and just inspiration created through my problems helped her to overcome the fear of asking for help in an addiciton. Now as of today she's 5 weeks clean and making it very well. Its things like that that keep me going and keep it my goal to help anyone who needs it. So thank you guys.


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