I know you're in a better place but I can't get u off of my mind....

Sunday, July 18, 2010 12:27 AM Posted by Jordan H
I promised you that is update more so here it is. first off how are you all? after looking at the stats on my blog a lot more people read this then I expected. I never really take the time to hear from you. so here is something I'm gonna try. any one, feel free to email me at anytime at chemicalchrist10@gmail.com or Facebook me WWW.Facebook.com/ChemicalChrist10 and talk to me. ill respond ASAP in the order I get them. so...on with the bloggidy. Right spent yesterday morning and will again Monday mornibg looking for an apartment. in a time of a lot of change in my life but all of the changes good. for the most part. sad note that Sarah @lilmunkie is leaving for collage in a little over a month but its great that she's moving forward. I've really gotten acquainted with my new band mates and we are almost ready to announce the release date for the new album. Im also just really enjoying living life for now. Made a few bad choices over the last month but ill pay the price for them. also for other things? I've got the most ardorable girlfriend in the world..BTW yes I'm taken. I keep getting asked that. common sense would say that if my relationship status says "in a relationship"...it kinda speaks for it self. well please checkout the Antix website its all new for the upcoming album and tour. u can also download the new single there free too. http://www.antixofficial.yolasite.com. as always thanks for the love and support.

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