You can build a life and have it broken down

Let us be realistic. I can be 99.9% positive that over 70% of the people reading my posts haven't been through what I have in my life. Now there are those of you who are like "You're only 18, Blah blah blah...) My response: BULLSHIT. Before you start telling me about My life let us talk. Somebody told me in a message response to my last post that "You just rant about things you see on TV and things you hear in the news" well let me correct that statement. I don't watch TV. I avoid most news at all cost because over 50% of the time they are wrong. I don't watch reality TV because its the exact opposite of reality. Everything that is broadcasted in those shows has been scripted, proof-read, and edited for TV/household friendly viewing. The truth is, and yes coming from a movie quote, Nothing ever bad happens with out the world's governments approval. If they don't want us to know about something, we don't every know about it. But just because its a movie quote doesn't mean it isn't true. Moving on if I can...Another message was "You're 18, teenagers don't have problems..i was a teen once" -- Is this guy kidding me? hello Mr. You must have lived a VERY sheltered life to believe the horse shit you just fed me. I have been through a lot and only a selected handful of you reading this fully understand. For example, a abusive father who beat you for no addiction to alchol so bad you don't remember your freshman year. Thats my life. A friend who died within 10 ft you because of gang violence. When those problems hit you on a personal level then we can actually talk. Those of you who recently keep telling me that my friends aren't who I say they are, try me. I can prove to you in more ways than one that they are. and because of who they are and what they do doesn't make me special. I could careless what profession they are in, they have been there for me since before that time. So before you run your mouth let me say this: You need to live a life that mine has no part of. My friends are my friends and there is nothing that will change this. I hope you learn something out of this.

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