Tomorrow is the official release day of my bands new EP album Overdose on Information. It took us about 3 1/2 months to write and record and we are very pleased with what has resulted. We are releasing it in a hand-full of hard copies and of course the unlimited amount of digital copies. I'm also giving away the 1 and ONLY limited edition Blue Version of the album which features a second disc with some pretty sweet shit. Just direct message me by e-mail, on twitter, or the antix twitter. We launched a new website this morning in support of the album and we will update it on a regular basis with blogs, news, and coming very soon..even video. I'm even going to start pulling video up on this blog for you guys. Hopefully weekly. other news...I'm apartment shopping. Needing a new place and have found a couple I like and can afford! (yes in case you're asking I work and walmart..and yes it's a badass place to should try it instead of stalking my blogs 24/7) Well I believe that all I have for you today. Take care and peace out homies! Don't forget...PROMOTE THE ALBUM
Just woke up today with a shit-storm of thoughts, questions and just weird ass mood. There is a lot of stuff starting to happen in my life and memories coming back that shouldn't be coming back. I've begun really writing again for the next album coming this fall or early next year and the stuff is very organized and flows together nicely. Which if you're a writer/musician then you know that something is going on. Everything is so focused and seems to be following the same path i was following a couple years ago and at the time there was a lot of shit going on that torn me apart at the time. Once again I'm stuck with no answers to why these random moods hit or why I feel alone when I'm not. I'll start leaking clips of lyrics, song demos and videos as the rest of the writing process goes on. Thank you to everyone who not only has support my music but also supported me. There aren't many of you who support me left. Its my fault and I pay that price for it everyday. Hopefully my next blog will be full of happy thoughts and good news. Until then stay tuned and hold on..its going to be a bumpy ride.
Please don't take my actions so serious
its driving me fucking delierous
I'm not trying to me be your god, or savior
A little uncomfortable in the skin of an entertainer
I'm just an artist with expression through ink on paper
So what's up guys? Since I haven't blogged in a couple days i thought i better fill you in. I'm in Sioux Falls, SD right now just chillin' at @lilmunkie's sister's house. Its been one of those rainy, boring yet eventful days. I'm hoping Josh can finish out his 18th birthday with just a minor headache. Long story. I've been in a great happy ass mood the last few days and I could tell you why, ya I'll tell you. I'm dating this AMAZING girl named Sarah. In case you cared. Well I'm out.
Well hello! This post is the first in a long ass time that isn't going to be 100% bitchy and negative. Yes there are still negative things happening to me and shit needing fine-tuned in mylife but today isnt for them. I woke up in a strangely awesome mood. WARNING: I'm also in one of those super smart-ass moods too! lol. Has anyone see the movie Sherlock Holmes? If not you need to. anyway in the movie Sherlock has a smart-ass personality, in the last 2 weeks, 4 people have told me thats me minus the badass, skills he has. I've never compared myself to a movie character before but I do see what they mean. Moving on. A.D.D moment [My friends in Sevendust released a new album yesterday and you should get it on itunes] Again moving on. My band/musical adventure Antix is releasing our first EP in 1 week! Be ready i'll post links and stuff at later times. My issues with Alltel have come to and end, I'm ditching their service as soon as possible. Not that any of you care but I thought I'd let you know. I know I haven't up dated "my journey through a blackberry tour" photo album and I'll be getting to that soon..maybe even today. I have a ton of pictures to upload. Does anyone else use twitter? If you do, please click here to follow me. lol also facebook? In case any of you care, i do have a new real job and I love it so far. Yes I did copy @lilmunkie and @LuNcH_BoXx and now work at walmart but who cares right? Also this is a big one! I'm looking for any app ideas for iPhone/iTouch, if you have any drop a comment on this post or e-mail me Well that's all i have for you on this bloggity post. I hope everyone's spring is going well!
Jordan Hewlett
Side Note: Please keep Todd Newton and his family in your thoughts and prayers. His was diagnosed with cancer a few months ago and took a turn for the worse yesterday.
Avaliable in like 40 min is the new album from my great friends in Sevendust. My lyrics are featured in 3 songs on this album. The tracks are Karma, Ride Insane and Strong Arm Broken
Hey guys, I just wanted to toss this out, thank you too: @LuNcH_BoXx@lilmunkie@brokenheartsoul@mralienfreak@rynsk and everyone else who a has been there for me. OVer the last few months I've slowly been torn apart. i've pushed away some of the most important people and pulled others who really don't matter in. I let my guard down for the first time in years and ended up hurting myself. The ones involved are prolly reading this but i dont want it to bother was my fault and I dont want anyone to blame them-selves for my problems. i've looked over my recent lyrics and looked way back to my old stuff and I'm starting to see a pattern. I'm again where I can't figure out what's next and that shit's going to get worse. This blog isnt to tell you to worry but I'm just saying I'm changing and nothing anyone is going to do/say to stop it. Once again I'm going to be my brick wall, asshole, jerk, prick, douchebag or anyother childish word you want to throw at me. I wont be effected my your comments and messages.
Alright guys, this is what you want/need to know. I was planning on moving to Sioux Falls by the end of June or early July but as of right now, not happening. I started a new job yesterday and to transfer to the Sioux Falls location I must be employed for 6 months, now if I decided to quit this job or anything I will move right away. So this bumps my moving date to mid-october early november. Which still isnt a horrible think. I could stay here with @LuNcH_BoXx and @lilmunkie and all my other close friends in the Pierre/Fort Pierre Area. Right now I'm stuck in a situation where I'm getting ass fucked finacialy, and the person doing so doesn't even have the common-coursity to give me a reach around. Thanks to @LuNcH_BoXx right now because he's the only one left who's trying to help me fix the situation. Not that others didnt but everyone else has failed or walked out. On the brighter side of things I'm looking forward to @LuNcH_BoXx's and I's first album release with our new project Antix. Its titled Overdose on Information and will be available on Wednesday, April 28, 2010. You can check out our new singleInstinct here on our myspace.
In other news, RANT: Once again Alltel Wireless has fucked me over and it has been the LAST time. Looking into At&t right now not only because I can have an iPhone but their rates are cheeper, they have faster 4G networks and it really does work in Pierre, SD. So if out of no where I'm telling you of a Cell Phone number change don't panic. But as of right now It's going to be awhile.
THANK YOU to all of my friends, you guys rock and are always there for me. I'm always here for you and even if we aren't the best of friends I'm still here to talk to.
Once again today has marked a load of changes in my life. Started a new job and after day 1 i really enjoy it. It also just happens to be the day where I had so much running through my head that i couldnt focus during my down times and breaks. Nothing that anyone reading this will know about but just a lot. I really just wanted to tell you that I'm letting the cat out of the bag tonight and I'll post a LONG post later.
This post is to inform everyone that I will be busy and away from my phone and computer starting 8am tomorrow morning until 5pm the following evening. If you need to talk to me text me, call me, bbm me, facebook me or email me: and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Let us be realistic. I can be 99.9% positive that over 70% of the people reading my posts haven't been through what I have in my life. Now there are those of you who are like "You're only 18, Blah blah blah...) My response: BULLSHIT. Before you start telling me about My life let us talk. Somebody told me in a message response to my last post that "You just rant about things you see on TV and things you hear in the news" well let me correct that statement. I don't watch TV. I avoid most news at all cost because over 50% of the time they are wrong. I don't watch reality TV because its the exact opposite of reality. Everything that is broadcasted in those shows has been scripted, proof-read, and edited for TV/household friendly viewing. The truth is, and yes coming from a movie quote, Nothing ever bad happens with out the world's governments approval. If they don't want us to know about something, we don't every know about it. But just because its a movie quote doesn't mean it isn't true. Moving on if I can...Another message was "You're 18, teenagers don't have problems..i was a teen once" -- Is this guy kidding me? hello Mr. You must have lived a VERY sheltered life to believe the horse shit you just fed me. I have been through a lot and only a selected handful of you reading this fully understand. For example, a abusive father who beat you for no addiction to alchol so bad you don't remember your freshman year. Thats my life. A friend who died within 10 ft you because of gang violence. When those problems hit you on a personal level then we can actually talk. Those of you who recently keep telling me that my friends aren't who I say they are, try me. I can prove to you in more ways than one that they are. and because of who they are and what they do doesn't make me special. I could careless what profession they are in, they have been there for me since before that time. So before you run your mouth let me say this: You need to live a life that mine has no part of. My friends are my friends and there is nothing that will change this. I hope you learn something out of this.
Well I'm going to give you all the answers you want or need. It isnt a secret that I will be leaving Pierre, SD for good some time in the near future. I'm not going far, for awhile I will be settling in Sioux Falls, SD with a friend. I'm not going to make the announcement yet of who but i'm sure it may shock a lot of you. I am not official on the date of this departure but hopefully by the end of June or very early July. Yes there was quite a change in my life over the last few days. The relationship I've been in where we have been dragging it out for over 2 years has ended, yes of course it hurts and there are a lot of shattered feelings but it was for the best and has made a lot of people happy. In other news I have moved on and am in a new relationship that I am hoping works. I really like the person and i hope it all works out. Which is my first real topic of discussion. dont judge me, or my friends... if there is one thing i hate its drama. If you have something to say dont hide behind facebook or emails...say to me, in person to my face and see what reaction you really get. Enough said? Good. Moving on. People who talk to me and after talking to me think i am an asshole? We have an issue, i am not an asshole to ANYONE unless you give me a real reason to be one. I am the biggest smart-ass on the face of the earth and its who I am so deal with it. Phone number? Unless i know you personally you CANT have mine...if you want me (address at end)... here's the deal....I want to know what it is you want to know.
Email me or comment this post with your questions. Email:
Take your life, put it in your juice box and suck the fuck out of it like youre a vegas strip whore. Life is just a story that you write page by page. Here is my advice to you, quit talking shit...quit judging me for things I do and leave me alone. If you have nothing to do but bitch about what i do then fuck you.
hey guys, there have been a lot of ideas and issues thrown my way and this post is to tell you the plans. I will be on a short tour run with Sevendust, Julien-k, and 10 years in the end of may and will be in Los Angles, CA from June 3rd to June 11th at Level7 Studios working on crazy some crazy new tunes and stuff. following that I will be moving to Sioux Falls, SD hopefully by the end of June. There are a hand full or reasons for this but they're going to stay unknown to you guys. There will be a long ass blog over this situation to come soon but for now this is good enough.
This blog is a 100% rant against Alltel and Verizon Wireless Companies. EVERY State besides South Dakota, North Dakota, and Wyoming have iPhone ready networks, or don't they? The iPhone is the SAME standard 3G CDMA cell phone. Why is this so special? ANY ONE in SOUTH DAKOTA with a BLACKBERRY or SMARTPHONE is USING 3G CDMA NETWORKING. I was let in on a secret by a friend who will remain unnamed who works for alltel. The networks nation-wide are iPhone compatible and the reason when you ask them when we can get iPhones here they say "We're not sure, its all networking" because they know 97% of the people are too stupid to understand what the truly means. as a matter of fact, the internet I am using on my laptop typing this out is ACTUALLY FASTER that the AT&T 3G Internet. So why can't we have an iPhone? Money, the iPhone is the #1 purchased phone in the united states right now, and with Windows 7 mobile being a 100% FAIL most believe the iPhone and the release of Snow Leopard Mobile for some of the Droids will increase Apple and the iPhone by a lot. So Alltel and Verizon have contracts (like all do) with cell phone companies, they make MORE $ from LG, SAMSUNG, BLACKBERRY and ALL OTHER COMPANIES but NOT carrying the iPhone. They've lied to customers. I will be switching to At&t in the next couple of months and use my iPhone in South Dakota and PROVE that i was not lied to. I used and iPhone in person yesterday and it worked FASTER than my Blackberry Tour. I love my tour but I'm just an Apple Geek and I would use the many apps available for the iPhone that RIM and 3rd party developers dont have to offer yet. i hope i inspire you to raise hell and get the iPhone to anyone who wants it.
Right now I've been asked to join Elias, Ryan, Brandon, Amir and Fu to work with a new Julien-k song working title: The Hunting I thank all of the guys in JK for inviting me back to write with them as they begin their follow up album following Death to Analog which featured 2 lyrics I contributed to. There will be a video up date very soon so stay tuned. I have contributed 2 sets of lyrics for this one track and more to come soon.
Well this week is finally one day from over. it seems one of the longest I've had in awhile. I've gotten myself in a hole that I'm still not sure how to get out of but that will stay personal. I have decided to just be me again and not give a shit how people look at me. Thats when I was happiest and everyone else was happy. Its caring that really changed my attitude and actions. I'm still the Jordan you all know but the Jordan that everyone misses. I'm going back to my roots, both musically and mentally. I'm going to pull out the fun, laugh-it-off guy and just have a blast.
Ok so the last couple posts have been pointless random out. bursts and I need to clear things up. I've been pretty occupied the last few days with a problem in my mind. And I've finally fallen apart and I'm slowing picking up the pieces. Its going to take a long time to figure things out but hopefully ill be a better person for it. I have a lot of changes to make and It will take some time but in the long run I hope everyone can be happy and I don't destroy to much of my life in the process. So please stay tuned for the journey.
Today marks the start of a new chapter in the book I call my life. I have many ideas and thoughts for this chapter but idk if I'll follow them all. In the same ending of the last chapter I'm sorry to everyone I've hurt or effected this time. I know who you are you know who you are and no matter the distance I'm right here for you. In the same beginning I'm seeing what chances I have and the decisions i have to make. I mean, I could do my senior requires in summer school, and graduate early and then look at going to tech school in the fall. or I could take a job I've been offered and make a good chunk of change and go back to school in Pierre this fall. Or, I could take the job and then before school starts move to a different place and have my SR. year. But this is what you can expect to find out in my next chapter and i hope i keep the same great friends here with me to help me along this journey. I want to thank the following for always being there for me: Alex Flynn, Sarah Lemcke, Morgan Rose, Jesse Hasek, Dena Schaefer, Brian Vodinh, Creightion Bibbs, and everyone else who has helped and supported me in the last few months.
I love all you of and take care. I want to start talking to all of you again.
Why does it seem I'm the last to notice to see how everybody feels. I've always been one who ignores what people say to me, or what they think of me or something I do. Well I stilL am this way but somebody told me something that I never expected to hear. It was something that if i would have been see it coming if I would have been paying attention. The problem is I care about my friends and when one is having a bad time I ignore everyone else and help them. To make my point I'm here for you and don't wait until you're in so deep that I can't even help you.
I hope you all enjoy the new blog layout its pretty sweet and was designed by a good friend of mine. Well on with the blog, I've always consitered myself an open book, and the story is long from being finished, and once you turn the page if a bad moment it's gone. Well this isn't always the case, no matter who picks up the book on the page currently being written they're going to fan back a few pages to see how we got to where we are and why we're doing what we're doing. To sum it up to you life is always going to toss lemons at you while you're on stage, but you take a quick break, make a refreshing glass of lemonade and go back to it. So quite simply that's what I did. I'm not running from my problems, I've done that too many times before and it leaves a blank page in your book, it makes those problems follow you where ever you go. It called a break for a reason. I took a day, and made it the best day i could. I just did what we wanted to and didn't listen to anyone else's shit. It was a great 2 days. Of course those problems don't stay away forever so a long ass 5 1/2 hour walk across Rapid City in the dark really helps you think about these things and gives you a look into what you want in your life. The trip was great, it got all our minds off negative shit and just lets us have a great time. I thank @lilmunkie and @LuNcH_BoXx for going with me and sharing the time. There are a collection of videos and pics I'll put and link you to of the trip. All of the videos are funny and really looks into the side of my life that nobody really sees. I hope everyone has a great easter.
Hey guys, what's up?? This is Sarah L, Jordan's friend. I have officially taken over his blog for the night!! :) We're getting ready to head out to go to RC, SD for some fun. Random running away. Jordan and I both needed to get out of here and we're dragging Alex along. *evil laugh.* Well the hotel we're going to be staying at, for the stalkers of Jordan............... is pretty sweet... I bet you all thought I was going to tell you the name of the hotel. Well, tough luck. :) But you'll get over it. You'll deal. :) but for those who DON'T stalk him, you're welcome to ask where we're staying. So this road trip will be pretty sweet. Alex and I both work tomorrow, so it's just going to be a night of fun. Maybe we'll hit up a few strip clubs or something. Meet some dudes. ;-) Jordan is currently packing for the trip. He won't let me pack anything though, so I guess I have to buy my shit when we get out there. :/ Not even sure why we've decided to leave... Oh well, I guess since the hotel is paid for and everything, it's TIME!!!!!!! :) muahahaha. ttyl peace.