Well starting off with a hello! Seems like its been forever since I've dropped in on you guys. Enjoying a few days off now with a little recording tomorrow to be done and just resting after a long Oahe Days Weekend and a great show last night watching More than Heros, No Parking on the Bridge, and...somebody else cant remember. Things are still running very smoothly. It took a long time but i finally got my shit together. can't wait to get on the road and see some fimilar faces soon. Nothing really to post about today other then just hoping everyone's summer is going well. Stay tuned more soon! PICS BELOW! CHECK THEM OUT
Oahe Days
Katelynn and I..yea she's cute as hell
Alex and his "Optimus Prime"
Antix fans are the best
Haha for once on a rare occasion I didnt post some meaningful or clever lyrics as the subject to this post. I'd like to start this by thanking everyone, friends, family, fans, anyone and everyone who has supported me over the last year or 2. After a long battle with myself and in life my shit is in one pile and already being cleaned up by the almighty pooper-scooper. (I hope you're having as much fun reading this as i am typing it). Being home now is different after being gone what seemed like ages but I'm back. I've met a few AWESOME friends over the last couple of weeks and I enjoy hanging out with them and it gives me a break like i need. As for Antix? The band and myself are going through a lot of changes but when it all plays out it will be awesome. We've started working on pre-writing demos for the new material which is 110% heavier and more metal than the last. SO stay tuned.
Also we'll be chillin at OAHE days like everyone else so come hangout!
My man logan and I
Nuff said
Killin it with my ginger midget

She's not really thrilled of cameras
I've been through enough to know life is rough. I can honestly say that i wish on no one the things ive seen and the things I've been through. There are only a handful of people who have gotten to look inside my mind and to be privlaged to the nightmares in my head. I've said it before. No body would believe the shit that goes on inside my head. Its haunted. Well i have finally after 5 years of living it over and over again have locked it away in a place that nobody can ever find it. After 3 years of a constant battle, 2 years of drinking my life away and now 20 months sober and no intentions of ever looking back to it i feel like I'm getting it together. I have new people in my life that have pulled me together without even knowing it. My life is in the "Waking Up" stage. Meaning that its all new to me again and i want to keep it happy and issue free which is my goal. As always I thank people who have been there and helped. So thank you to Morgan, Alex, John, Clint, Katelynn, Dena for being the ones who have showed me that there are 2nd chances and new starts. For the last time thanks to darian for showing me that no matter what there is still disaster in love and life. And for the 1 and only time only because I know you read all my posts, thank you to Ryan Scott. You destroyed my life in more ways than you can ever imagine and if it wasnt for you I wouldnt be where I am today. You are the asshole who took my best friend in the world from me and if I could I would take you and put you through the hell that you put everyone close to him through. As usual I'm a huge supporter of music so. Available now get Since October's new album "Life Scars, Apologies" and also check out Five Finger Death Punch's album "War is the Answer".
OH! I almost forgot! Antix is touring soon and on Aug 20th we'll be playing the Americinn in Fort Pierre, SD with special guests Down from Up and my former band Deficit will be opening. Tickets will be on Sale JULY 1st for $5 ADV and $7 DRS. Any lades 16+ will get in FREE because we love the ladies!
For the first time in almost 3 years I feel like I'm coming together. Life is beginning to make me happy. In the last 3 years I've gone from an addicit to a insane person, to another addict and now 21 months being sober, friends in my life that make it better than I could ask for, and all the shit that brought me down gone I think I can officially say I'm happy. To those of you who will be getting an e-mail from me..no hard feelings but I hope you'll understand. I can't thank some people enough for all the shit they've done for me and I cant express my hatred to those of you who led me to destruction. Somebody the other day told me they've noticed a change and they like it a lot...since that statement was made I feel the same way and I've noticed things as well that I think have made me the person I am today. So thank you. As for my life right now? Just doing my thing. Getting ready to jump on recording for the next
Antix album and hanging out with friends. I've stepped back and looked at my life and saw at what a fast pace it was moving and I've decided that I'm going to slow it down. Stay tuned for more.
The new album Augustagein by Index case debuted in Sioux City, IA lastnight and for a US debut this saturday. The album Features the song "This City Has gotta Pay" which was co-written by Alex Flynn (Antix) and Myself. The album is the bands first release in almost 6 years so go support it!
that's right. I've given up on holding back all the problems in my life. I've decided that fighting for what I was fighting for isn't working. so w.e
I know I've kinda been away from my blog and ect. But I was enjoying a little privacy in my life and I decided that I needed to make a change. Well I have and now I'm trying it out. Those who follow me on facebook and are lost. I am single. I plan to stay this way because relationships piss me off. Stay tuned more soon.